Android is not difficult, you just need to learn these in 2023
A: Android Architecture Components (ViewModel, LiveData, Room)
B: Background Processing (WorkManager, Coroutines)
C: ConstraintLayout and Compose UI Toolkit
D: Data Binding and Dagger (Dependency Injection)
E: EventBus (Event-based communication)
F: Fragments (Navigation Component, FragmentFactory)
G: Gradle Build System and Glide (Image Loading)
H: Hilt (Dependency Injection library)
I: Intents and In-App Navigation (Navigation Component)
J: Jetpack Compose (Modern UI toolkit)
K: Kotlin (Primary language for Android development)
L: Lottie (Animation library)
M: MotionLayout (Complex animations)
N: Navigation Component (Single-activity architecture)
O: OkHttp and Retrofit (Networking libraries)
P: Paging Library and Permissions
Q: Quick Settings and Notifications
R: RecyclerView and Room Database
S: StateFlow and SharedFlow (Flow API for managing state)
T: Testing (JUnit, Espresso, Mockito)
U: User Interface (Material Design guidelines)
V: View Binding and ViewModel (MVVM pattern)
W: WebView and WorkManager (Background tasks)
X: XML Layouts and XML Resources
Y: YouTube API Integration
Z: Zoomable Images (ZoomageView library)
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